“Mega Fortris Group” The Biodegradable “Green” Security Seals Specialists & Market Leaders.
It is with great pleasure, and immense pride, that “Mega Fortris” Is very proud to announce the launch of our latest innovative, (r)evolutionary environmentally friendly, biodegradable, green, range of security seals & solutions. Mega Fortris – the global market leader in the manufacturing of innovative, intelligent security seals and solutions.
Our range of biodegradable seals has been developed, due to the fast evolving and ever-changing markets. Almost everything that we purchase today comes wrapped in either multiple layers of plastic or in plastic laminated papers. These objects end up creating a huge problem for our eco-system, as nature’s forces are powerless when it comes to disintegrating plastic back into the elements. What is more, recycling of plastic is no longer economically viable as it requires more energy than what was used to produce in the first place! And moreover, much of the plastic we put in the blue bin is not fit to be recycled anyways and eventually ends up in landfills regardless. Mega Fortris is fully aware of the impact plastic waste is having on our planet and has taken the necessary steps to do ‘our-part’.
With new environmental policies, societal concerns and mounting environmental awareness have triggered the search for new products that are compatible with the environment. The answer is Biodegradable Plastic! Our range of biodegradable seals has been developed to deal with the issues now facing our market sectors, who are now even more aware of the need to protect our planet. Therefore, the need to go “green” and environmentally friendly, enables Mega Fortris to remain ahead of the competition, and pioneers in this field.
One of the main advantages to our Biodegradable plastic seals is they can be biologically broken down, in a reasonable amount of time, into their base compounds. The special additive 201, that makes the products biodegradable, will be added to all our products, made of the following materials: PP and Nylon.
This biodegradable product range has amongst others, the following benefits:
- Fully compliant with the ISO 14021:1999 Standard under the definition of biodegradable.
- Highly stable during shelf life & service life.
- Does not degrade to fragments after manufacturing.
- Compatible in recycling and nontoxic to the environment.
- Effective biodegradation verified with ASTM D5511, ISO DIS 15985, ASTM D5526 & ASTM D5338
Currently trials are ongoing with the Fast Seal. Please enquire with your nearest Mega Fortris Office for more information.
Our small mistakes and carelessness can convert this beautiful and full of life planet into lifeless place. And the adoption of minor changes in our habits like insisting on the use of biodegradable plastic can make it a beautiful and healthy place to live. By altering the material used in industrial and commercial processes from standard to biodegradable plastic. Together we can make this planet a sustainably beautiful and healthy place to live in.